A little bit about Edmonds Facilitation
Edmonds Facilitation provides professional facilitation expertise to leaders and teams seeking to work through challenging issues. Their specialist workshop and facilitation services have been specifically designed to support and guide teams through a clear process of steps, towards a desired outcome in a supportive environment.
Here’s how we helped…
After working with Edmond’s Marketing for the past few years, they engaged our services to develop a website for their new business Edmonds Facilitation. Working closely with their Graphic Designer, and well-developed brief, Webpub developed a website that presents a modern look & feel.
We developed an interactive and dynamic site with features to increase consumer engagement including a blog and social network integration. We also integrated search engine optimisation throughout the website to ensure they are reaching their target audiences and maximising visitors to their site.
If you want to check out their site and see some of these features in action, visit their home page here. If you’re looking for something similar for your own business, and you aren’t sure where to start, contact the friendly Webpub team here.